Hey Fammmilllyyy!!!
So Friday and Saturday here is something
called dia de muertos ( day of the dead) It is really a huge catholic
holiday. What they do is Friday is for all the kids that have passed
away when they were little. The families will go visit them and bring
flowers and things to their tombs. The graveyards are packed with people
these two days of the year. So Thursday night we got a call from our
zone leaders asking us to go to the cemetaries and do some service and
help clean the tombs and then we can talk with some people about the
Plan of Salvation. Such a good idea! I gues it came straight from the
President. So the whole misión Friday and Saturday we went to the
cemetaries in the morning to do service and contact people. It went
really good! We were able to find alot of people! It was cool to be able
to talk to families that have lost loved ones and to be able to tell
them that they can see their child or mom or dad
again. We are so blessed to be able to know abou this plan that
Heavenly Father has prepared for all of us! It helped out my companion
alot to! He got to learn how to do some quick teaching! All in all we
were able to find 1 new person to start teaching and 1 reference to pass
to some other elders.... haha just shows you how Heavenly Father Works!
Later that day Friday we went and visited some
less actives. We went with a girl named Karen. She was baptized like 1
year ago but has fallen away because her mom is not a member and its
hard for her to figure out what to do. We started talking about the
things that have been going on and I remembered a quote from Elder
Eyring, Something like- when we are in the góspel it will always be an
uphill climb, and if we catch ourselves in the decline and things get
easy, its because we have left the path of the straight and narrow. This
is what I explained to this girl, that even though things are hard, if
we do what we are supposed to, Heavenly Father will always make up for
the rest!
Saturday we went back to the graveyard and did
some more contacting and got to talk to a bunch of people that wanted
to hear about our message! It was kinda cool! haha People usually always
stare at me just because Im not from here, but when I got in the
cemetary and were talking with a group of people, more and more just
kept stopping and listening! It was kinda of cool!
That afternoon our Ward had their 5 year
aniversery, It was really fun! We got there and they were all playing
basketball. We got to play with them for a Little bit! That was the
best! I loved it! Then after they... hahha had killed a cow a day before
and had done barbacoa!! Anything that your have eaten in the states
will never compare to what this was!! It was unreal!!!
That night we went with our investigator
Abrabam. He and his wife Marbella had just gotten married like a month
ago. We havent had any chances to meet with him because he worked all of
the time. So Saturday night we went to the house and had our first
lesson with him. It went really well! I dont know, from the begining
teaching with this family was easy, and it was like they were already
prepared to hear us. We taught the Restoration and out of all the times
in my misión that I have taught this lesson, that night I felt was the
best that I have ever taught it. I felt the spirit with us. One of those
times where after I got done talking, I had no clue how I said that or
how I said it. We invited him to be baptized and he accepted. Everyone
was all so happy, especially his wife. They are close to the same age as
us, she is 19 and he is 21. We started talking after the lesson and
we talked about sports. I guess he played american football here in
mexico, and played outside linebacker. We played the same position and
both played football, American football here really doesnt exist! so
when he told me that I knew that Heavenly Father had prepared this
family for us!
Everything here is going so good! Well today is
kinda a big day, haha... so weird that i am 20!! This morning we went
into Villa with some ex missionaries that took us to Fuddruckers!! It
was sooo good!! I was so surprised that there was one here! I miss and
love all of you guys soo much, My testimony has grown this past week ,
and I could not be more grateful for this góspel and all of you.
Elder Liljenquist
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